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Barb Hodgens
Barb Hodgens

Barb Hodgens loves to cook with alternative, healthy whole food ingredients, with a focus on gut health. Barb has overcome her own gut health issues through healthy eating. Share your ideas, comments and photos at the end of this post :)

Ayam coconut yogurt

Rich, wonderfully thick and additive free.

By popular demand we’re bringing you yet another dairy-free and vegan homemade coconut yogurt recipe. With so many people choosing coconut yogurt over dairy, it’s our aim at to develop as many recipes as we can. This easy homemade Ayam coconut yogurt is foolproof, and the best part, it contains no thickeners, so no thermometer or heating is required. Simply combine the ingredients in your Luvele yogurt making jar and set to ferment.

Easy homemade Ayam coconut yogurt has a rich, slightly sweet, coconutty flavour and wonderfully thick texture. The secret to this naturally thick coconut yogurt is the combination of Ayam coconut cream and Ayam coconut milk. Both are readily available in supermarkets and Asian grocers. We use two cans of coconut cream (which is 100% coconut kernel extract) and one can of coconut milk (89% coconut kernel extract and water). You can also switch the ratio for a slightly thinner yogurt. Let us know which you prefer?

Ayam coconut yogurt

Ayam is an additive and preservative free product with slightly grey coloured coconut cream, which is normal. Like all good coconut products that are without gums and emulsifiers, the fats and water will separate into layers. In cool weather, coconut milk and cream will solidify on top of the coconut water. A brisk whisk will loosen the fats and quickly become smooth and creamy.

Ayam coconut yogurt

If you like to experiment with homemade coconut yogurt and enjoy trying new methods and tasting the difference between brands of coconut milk. Try this Aroy D coconut yogurt recipe. It has a smoother texture with a slightly tropical coconut flavour. It’s one of our favourites.

Ayam coconut yogurt


You will need a yogurt starter culture to introduce the fermentation of bacteria to the coconut milk. Use the amount of starter culture indicated on the packet. We used Yogourmet Probiotic Starter. Choose a dairy-free starter for a vegan yogurt.


In traditional dairy milk yogurt the bacteria in starter culture thrive on the sugar content (lactose). Coconut milk naturally has less sugar than dairy milk, so it is necessary to add a sweetener to the starter culture to promote fermentation. One teaspoon of sugar or one tablespoon of pasteurised honey is enough to kick start fermentation. Raw honey may have an antibiotic effect and is therefore not suitable for making yogurt.

Ayam coconut yogurt


Ayam coconut yogurt
Ayam coconut yogurt


Ayam coconut yogurt